Publications المنشورات


Karène Sanchez Summerer

Sanchez Summerer, K. and S. Zananiri (eds.), Imaging and Imagining Palestine- Photography and social history of Palestine during the British Mandate (1918-1948), Brill OJ series (2021),

Norig Neveu & Sanchez Summerer, K., ‘The Dominicans’ Photographic collection. Beyond a Catholic perception of the Holy Land?’, In: Karène Sanchez Summerer and Sary Zananiri Eds. Imaging and Imagining: Photography and Social History in Palestine, Brill (2021),

Sanchez Summerer, K. and S. Zananiri (eds.), European Cultural diplomacy and Arab Christianity in Mandate Palestine. Between Contention and Connection, Palgrave MacMillan (2021)

Sanchez Summerer, K. & Turiano, A., Les archives de l’ANSMI (Associazione nazionale per soccorrere i Missionari italiani all’Ester): (Re) découverte d’un fonds, projet de préservation et perspectives de recherche, Mefrim (Mélanges de l’Ecole française), Nov. 2020, vol.132, issue 2, p. 451-466,

Sanchez Summerer, K. & Rubio C., ‘Pour une histoire connectée du français langue étrangère. Le cas du Proche-Orient’, Langue Française, in special issue Valérie Spaeth (ed.), Dec. 2020 –

Sanchez Summerer, K. & Papastathis, K., Contemporary Levant, special issue, ‘Eastern Christianity in Syria and Palestine and European cultural diplomacy (1860-1948). A connected history’, vol.6, issue 1, p. 1-8, March 2021

Sanchez Summerer, K.; ‘Missionnaires britanniques en Palestine, experts/ contre-experts du Mandat?’ in C. Verdeil, P. Bourmaud, N. Neveu (eds), Experts and Expertise in the League of Nations- Mandates: Figures, Fields, Tools (Presses de l’INALCO, 2020), p. 263-290,

Sanchez Summerer, K. & Bourmaud P. (eds), Missions, Powers, Arabization, special issue Social Sciences and Missions series, volume 32, issues 3-4, Brill, pp. 229-242 (2019)

Sanchez Summerer, K. & Okkenhaug, I. M. (eds), Christian Missions and Humanitarianism in The Middle East, 1850-1970: Ideologies, Rhetoric, and ‘Praxis’ (Brill LSIS series, August 2020)

Sanchez Summerer, K., Murre-van den Berg H. and Baarda T. (eds), Arabic and its alternatives: Religious minorities and their languages in the emerging nation states of the Middle East (1920-1950) (Brill, Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies, April 2020)

Sanchez Summerer, K. & Okkenhaug, IM, ‘The Role of Protestant missionaries during the Great Arab Revolt in Jerusalem and South Palestine (1936-1939)- towards humanity?’, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies BJMES special issue coordinated by J. Paulmann and E. Moeller, ‘Crisis in the Middle East. Humanitarianism, Religion, Diplomacy- 1860-1950’ (accepted, forthcoming)

Bourmaud, P., Gabry S., Levant M., Neveu N., Sanchez Summerer K., In partibus fidelium. Missions in the Levant and understanding the Christian East, XIX-XXth c., EFR, 2022.

Irving, S, Nassif C. and K. Sanchez Summerer (eds), ‘The House of the Priest’ – A Palestinian Life (1885-1954), in Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies Series, vol. 7, Brill (2022),

Irving S. & Sanchez Summerer, K.; ‘Orthodoxy and Solidarity. Niqula Khoury’s journey to the League of Nations’, in Erik Frears (ed.) Christians of PalestinePalgrave MacMillan (forthcoming)

Bourmaud, P., Gabry S., Levant M., Neveu N., Sanchez Summerer K., ‘Reconstructing Babel’: Christian Missions and Knowledge Production in the Middle East, Nineteenth-Twentieth Century’, Contemporary Levant, vol. 6, issue 2.

Sanchez Summerer, K, ‘To ‘strengthen Mediterranean resistance’? Albert Antebi and the porous boundaries of cultural identification in Ottoman Jerusalem (1908-1919)’, in Sarah Irving (ed.), The Social and Cultural History of Palestine: Essays in Honour of Salim Tamari (Edinburgh University Press, 2022).

Girard, A. & Santus C. & Sanchez Summerer, K. & Kontouma, V. Middle Eastern and European Christianity. Connected Histories (16th-20th c.). Collected works from Bernard Heyberger (Edinburg University Press, 2022).

Charbel Nassif

Nassif, Charbel, Liturgie et religiosité chez les grecs melkites catholiques aux XVIIIe–XIXe siècles : entre ‘latinisation’ et conservatisme’ A. Lossky, G. Sekulovski, T. Pott (éd.), Liturgie et religiosité, 64e Semaine d’études liturgiques, Munster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2018, p. 91-108.

Nassif, Charbel, ‘Autour de l’euchologe melkite de Malatios Karmé’, Proche Orient chrétien, 98, 2018, p. 46-61.

Nassif, Charbel, ‘Ottoman and Arab influences on Melkite art in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries’, in David Thomas, John Chesworth, Ed., Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History Vol. 12 Asia, Africa and the Americas (1700-1800), Leiden, Brill, 2018, p. 15-28

Nassif, Charbel, ‘The Melkite Community, Educational Policy and French Cultural Diplomacy: Archbishop Grigorios Hajjar and Mandatory Galilee’, in Sanchez Summerer, K. and S. Zananiri (eds.), European Cultural diplomacy and Arab Christianity in Mandate Palestine. Between Contention and Connection, Palgrave MacMillan (2020)


Konstantinos Papastathis

Konstantinos Papastathis, ‘Missionary Politics in Late Ottoman Palestine: The Stance of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem’, Social Sciences and Missions 32 (2019), 342-360.

Konstantinos Papastathis, ‘Between Athens and Al Quds: The Greek Community in Late Ottoman and Mandate Jerusalem’, in Sanchez Summerer, K. and S. Zananiri (eds.), European Cultural diplomacy and Arab Christianity in Mandate Palestine. Between Contention and Connection (1918-1948), Palgrave MacMillan (2020)

Konstantinos Papastathis, ‘Religious Outsiders and Communal Politics: the Greek- Orthodox Church Bureaucracies on the Arab Orthodox Movement during the Formative Years of the British Mandate’ (work in progress).

K. Papastathis, “Cultural Diplomacy, Church Politics, and Nationalism in Early Mandatory Palestine: the case of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church”, Contemporary Levant, 6:1 (2021), 65-77    

Sanchez Summerer, K. & Papastathis, K., Contemporary Levant, special issue, ‘Eastern Christianity in Syria and Palestine and European cultural diplomacy (1860-1948). A connected history’, vol.6, issue 1, p. 1-8, March 2021


Sary Zananiri

Sanchez Summerer, K. and S. Zananiri (eds.), Imaging and Imagining Palestine: Photography Modernity and the Biblical Lens, 1918-1948, Brill OJ series (2021)

Zananiri, S. ‘Documenting the Social: Frank Scholten Taxonomising Identity in British Mandate Palestine’ In: Karène Sanchez Summerer and Sary Zananiri (eds.). Imaging and Imagining Palestine: Photography Modernity and the Biblical Lens, 1918-1948 Brill (2021) 266-306.

Zananiri, S. Introduction In: Sanchez Summerer K. and S. Zananiri (eds.), Imaging and Imagining Palestine: Photography Modernity and the Biblical Lens, 1918-1948 Brill (2021) 1-28

Zananiri, S. ‘Indigeneity, Transgression and the Body: Orientalism and Biblification in the Popular Imaging of Palestinians’ Journal of Intercultural Studies, Central and West Asian Diaspora Research Network special issue edited by Gay Breyly (2021), 1-21

Zananiri, S. ‘Jerusalema, Covid and Virality’ For the Record, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam (2021)

Sanchez Summerer, K. and S. Zananiri (eds.), European Cultural diplomacy and Arab Christianity in Mandate Palestine. Between Contention and Connection, Palgrave MacMillan (2021)

With Karène Sanchez Summerer Introduction, In: Karène Sanchez Summerer and Sary Zananiri Eds. European Cultural Diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine: Between Contention and Connection, Palgrave MacMilan (2021)

Sary Zananiri ‘Reflections on Methodology and Culture’ Magazine 28 (forthcoming 2021)

Sary Zananiri ‘A City of Commerce in a Time of Plague’ Palestine: Fieldnotes in Pandemic Times series Insaniyyat (2020)

‘Frank Scholten: landschap in het Brits Mandaat Palestina’ Fotografisch geheugen 96 (2019)