Karène Sanchez Summerer was Scholar in residence at the École française de Rome (EFR) between April-August 2019. EFR is a French public research institution operating under the supervision of the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research and supports research and training in archaeology, history and other fields of the humanities and social sciences covering all periods from prehistory to the present day. Karène has worked on different Vatican archives, missionaries private archives as well as in the Dante Alighieri archives. She has also co-organised the PhD School ‘Renouveaux des sources et méthodes pour l’étude du phénomène missionnaire’. She co-lead a project of preservation and cataloging of the archives with NWO/ EFR / Archivists without borders of the archives of ANSMI (l’Associazione nazionale per soccorrere i Missionari italiani all’Estero) in June 2019.