An online discussion will take place on the 11/10/2021, 16:00-18:00, over the new book of Maria Chiara Rioli and the opening of Pie XII archives in the context of Palestine and the new State of Israel, with the Ecole française de Rome and the research group on the opening of Pie XII archives; with Karène Sanchez Summerer.
Maria Chiara Rioli, A Liminal Church.Refugees, Conversions and the Latin Diocese of Jerusalem, 1946-1956, Brill OJ series, 2020, title/56532
Registration: niñ
A Liminal Church weaves diocesan history with global history. In the momentous decade from 1946 to 1956, the study of the transnational Jerusalem Latin diocese, as split between Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Cyprus, with ties to diaspora and religious international networks and comprising clergy from all over the world, attests to the possibilities of contrapuntal narratives, reintroducing complexity to a deeply and painfully polarized debate, exposing false assumptions and situating changes and ruptures in a long-term perspective.